October 11-12, 2020

Attendees: 255

What is Salt Mines?

Salt Mines is Alberta's largest bi-annual gaming event featuring video games from all genres and players of all types. Since 2013, it has been the go-to event for gamers not only in Calgary but across Western Canada!

How has going online changed Salt Mines?

Salt Mines has always been an event about connecting communities and players with those around them, and showing off the amazing things that Albertan gaming can do. We want to preserve that feeling so we've approached Online very differently from the average event.

What do I need to know?

Salt Mines Online is a convention, we want it to feel like you're at an event walking around, meeting people, finding communities, and being part of the exciting announcements and features.

For that reason, Salt Mines will be broadcast across multiple streams, featuring content from all of our partners and communities. We'll take you on a trip through Alberta's gaming network, and you can start from your favorite community and find even more awesome people to game with.


Nov 7-8, 2020: Extra Life Game Day


May 22-24, 2020: Super Smashing COVID